Generate Javadoc with UML Diagrams

It is very useful to have UML Diagrams integrated into your javadoc – they give you a neat visual overview of the contents of you sourcecode. I want to show you how  to integrate this into an automated build. I implemented this with an ant target and my IDE Netbeans.

Add this to your build.xml in the root of your project:

You will need Graphviz and UMLGraph.

I had to execute sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/dot /usr/bin/dot on my Mac OSX to make dot work. Since it was not recognized in my PATH and quitted with the error:

Cannot run program "dot": error=2, No such file or directory ensure that dot is in your path and that its path does not contain spaces


You can pass several arguments to UML Grap. You can find a full list on the website.


You can start build like this:

Run target
If everything works fine you will see:

Run target output

The javadoc is opened in your browser.


For convenience you can add a shortcut to build your javadoc and UML diagrams.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-25 um 22.23.48

Create Shortcut

Create Shortcut Menu Select Menu

Run "Generate Javadoc and UML Diagram"



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