
Github Action setup-gradle Saving Configuration-Cache State

In case you missed it, Gradle configuration caching is no longer enabled by default in certain scenarios. Here’s what you need to know to ensure your builds leverage this feature effectively. Important Note: To avoid potentially leaking secrets in the configuration-cache entry, the action will only save or restore configuration-cache data if the cache-encryption-key parameter is set. What is Gradle Configuration Cache?… Read more →

JavaFX Gluon Ignite Guice Inject Controller

I had to inject a whole controller into another controller with the guice implementation of gluon ignite. I will show an approach doing so. This is applicable if you have set the controller id in your fxml. Otherwise this snipped requires slightly modifications. I assume you have ignite already running and injecting stuff already but facing the “inject a controller… Read more →

Generate Javadoc with UML Diagrams

It is very useful to have UML Diagrams integrated into your javadoc – they give you a neat visual overview of the contents of you sourcecode. I want to show you how  to integrate this into an automated build. I implemented this with an ant target and my IDE Netbeans. Add this to your build.xml in the root of your… Read more →

toString(), equals() Contract

Any Object is an Object or a child of an Object as described in the Java Language Specification: The class Object is a super class (§8.1) of all other classes. A variable of type Object can hold a reference to the null reference or to any object, whether it is an instance of a class or an array (§10). All… Read more →

For – Know the difference

I would like to write some words about the difference of the for loop behaviour. At first you should read the code and notice 2 different for usages. Both should do the same. Do they?

I assumed the first loop would also overwrite the string in the array – as the second one does. But it does not! –… Read more →