openHAB 3: conditional log Items

I want to skip the logging for some items like Spotify track progress (which updates every second) so that the logs are not polluted.

Since openHAB version 3 log4j2 is used as logging framework and the log4j2.xml has to be used to configure logging. We can use a RegexFilter to configure such behaviour.

How to

The RegexFilter allows the formatted or unformatted message to be compared against a regular expression.

The config file for logging is located in the userdata/etc folder (manual setup) or in /var/lib/openhab/etc (apt/deb-based setup).

Locate the Event Log Appender and add a RegexFilter. I added filters for Spotify, CPU load changes and heart beats.

The changes are automatically picked up by openhab without restart. After some seconds those events should not be logged anymore.

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