Secure WordPress with Fail2Ban

Fail2Ban is a neat tool that watches your logfiles and executes actions  defined by you if a filter  matches. In the following I want to explain the basic functionality of fail2ban necessary to integrate with WordPress and we will install Slack notifications: slack-post-int-actionban



Jails are like configurations for services you want to monitor. You declare services and specify filters, ports, protocol … for them.


Filters are usually regular expressions that run over your logfiles to detect failed logins. For example a filter could find matches for  Authentication failure  in your apache access logs. This would match lines like this:

Fail2Ban can extract the IP out of this and ban if it has generated maxretry during the last findtime.


You can react to matches of a filter by actions. Actions can hook into the following events: actionstart, actionstop, actioncheck, actionban, actionunban.

There are actions like:

  • iptables-multiport ( actions for manipulation of the iptables )
  • sendmail ( actions for mail notifications )
  • also slack (we will create later)


I assume you have already installed fail2ban. If not there is a good guide at digitalocean.

To get these logs entries when somebody tries to login you need to install the WordPress plugin WP fail2ban on all WordPress installations you want to secure on your server.


Download the filter provided by the plugin. The plugin creates log entries that are matchable by the filter:

Feel free to take a look into it to understand the magic:

cat /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/wordpress.conf


Place this in a file at  /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/wordpress.conf

As described above this is a service definition where we put some things together:

filter  which filter to use

logpath file to run the filter on

maxretry tries to log in

findtime time frame (see image below)

bantime time the used is banned

2015-10-10 Fail2Ban parameters

With findtime  you specify a time frame (red area) for fail2ban in which it will look for entries. Only entries in the read are taken into account. Entries in the green area are not recognized. Therefore only entries in the red area are counted and compared to maxentry . If it exceeds maxentry  then it will fire actionban.


Restart fail2ban service with:

After this steps you installed fail2ban for WordPress already! Open a browser and cause a ban for yourself. When you are banned the website will not respond to your request at all. This is caused by the rule that is added to the iptables – it rejects any request from your IP.

You can verify this by executing iptables -L  – this fill print something like:

Slack Integration

Instead of sending mails you can post notifications to slack.

Setup a WebHook

You need to setup a Incoming WebHook at Below you can find my integration setup. I decided to create a new channel #security for this kind of notifications. The important information are the channel and the webhook url. Label, name and icon are just for formatting.


Familiarize with WebHook API

Let’s try it! Yo just have to replace the last parameter with your actual Webook URL. From your sever execute:


In your channel you will see this:


We can also change the icon by this request by adding a icon_emoji key-value.


To make it a bit more complicated I decided to add an attachment to this message. This also provides an option for a coloured bar you can modify. There are a lot of more things you can customize and integrate!

The payload formatted:



Integrate into fail2ban

Until now we just send dummy messages that have nothing to do with fail2ban. Now we will create a new action for slack notifications!

I hook into actionban to create a message like this:


and actionstart


To make this work we need to register the slack action. I decided to make it as default action. Change your  /etc/fail2ban/jail.local  to this:

Note the highlighted lines that indicate changes/additions.  action_andslack contains the ban action and slack action now. slack[name=%(__name__)s will pass the name of the current jail appropriately for use in the slack action where we can access it as (...)after <failures> attempts against <name>.(...) .

Done! Restart the fail2ban service again – then you should already receive the messages for all loaded jails on start.


If something doesn’t work there are some commands I can recommend:

Watch auth.log ( where the WordPress plugin writes login attempts to )

Watch the fail2ban.log ( all actions are logged here, ban, unban )

List iptable rules and enumerate them.

Delete iptables rule (you have to pass the right section and the right num)- you should also restart fail2ban service after this


The slack action is based on Tim Nash’s version

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  2 comments for “Secure WordPress with Fail2Ban

  1. 22nd February 2016 at 19:14

    Thanks for this. Really really helped me sort out issues with a server that was being hammered by bots and hackers.

    Is there a way to get whois information in Slack like we have it in email like country and location of the IP address?

    • No3x
      22nd February 2016 at 20:20

      Hi Steve,
      you could send the IP to any whois service (preferably HTTP/REST API) and send the result to slack, too. E.g. Or (as stated on this site) just run whois on your sever.

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